I'm a Ph. D. student in School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University(SDU), Qingdao, supervised by Prof. Dani Lischinski and Prof. Lin Lu. I got my bachelor degree from Shandong University in 2017. My research interest is focused on Computer Graphics and Computational Fabrication. Recently, I'm working on structural modeling with microstructures.
- The paper video of Fabricable Unobtrusive 3D-QR-Codes with Directional Light is uploaded to YouTube.
- Our work Fabricable Unobtrusive 3D-QR-Codes with Directional Light is accepted by Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP 2020).

Fabricable Unobtrusive 3D-QR-Codes with Directional Light
Hao Peng, Peiqing Liu, Lin Lu, Andrei Sharf, Lin Liu, Dani Lischinski, Baoquan ChenComputer Graphics Forum(SGP 2020), 2020, 39: 15-27.

Fabricating QR codes on 3D objects using self-shadows
Hao Peng, Lin Lu, Lin Liu, Andrei Sharf, Baoquan ChenComputer-Aided Design(SPM 2019), 2019, 114: 91-100.
Cao, L., Tian, L., Peng, Hao, Zhou, Y., & Lu, L. (2021). Constrained stacking in DLP 3D printing. Computers & Graphics. paper
Yang, J., Peng, Hao, Liu, L., & Lu, L. (2019). 3D printed perforated QR codes. Computers & Graphics, 81, 117–124. paper
- 2019.3-2021.1, Research Intern, Hangzhou Research Institute, Shining 3D Tech Co., Ltd